
At Gusto, I was the main IC on the design system. I drove the end-to-end component design process, from research to implementation, including writing most of the technical documentation on the doc site. I wrote in detail about my process and published it in the Gusto Design publication on Medium here. Some of the components I designed and helped build were Timeline, Autocomplete, Stepper, Datefield, and FileDropField.

Timeline component

Timeline is a group of steps in a prescribed order with statuses that reflect progress.

The payroll setup timeline screen with the timeline component showing the user's progress
Timeline inside of the Gusto web app

Autocomplete component

Autocomplete provides fast filtering of large datasets through live search results based on user input.

The tax setup screen with the word business typed into the autocomplete field and a list of suggestions below the field
Autocomplete inside of the Gusto web app

What my peers are saying

Feedback I collected from my teammates at Gusto. I encourage you to reach out to them as references.

"Josh is a talented and detail-oriented designer, but his greatest asset is his ability to inspire."
Ben Lister, Sr. Product Designer, Design Systems

"Josh is every engineer's dream to work with."
Jordan Cutler, Software Engineer, Design Systems